Consulting & Life Coaching

There are many issues people face that do not rise to the level of clinical intervention. Coaching is a process that helps people make decisions, set and reach their goals, or deal with a variety of situations that are not clinical in nature. The concerns or focus of the coaching may negatively impact on their life, job or relationships, but do not require therapeutic counseling. Coaching is not mentorship or the same as friends discussing their lives either. The typical focus of coaching is on improving work performance, setting personal or professional life goals, specific personal projects, or life transitions.

Initial assumptions coaches have are that you are capable of making changes in your life and are adaptable and competent. The coaching relationship is built on mutual trust and respect with the coach striving to understand you and your goal in the context of your life and experience.

A coach will help you discover what is happening or how you are handling the situation presently, uncover or highlight any barriers or challenges to growth and assist with choosing the best course of action for you to reach your goals. An emphasis is placed on the coaching relationship so you are setting the agenda versus the coach and any suggestions for change are immediately relevant to you.

Coaching values self-discovery, builds on your strengths, and strives to help you grow as a person. It has been shown to help increase leadership and management skills with individuals focused on business or work related goals. In other contexts it has shown to increase the client’s sense of identity and purpose, self-confidence, improve their quality of life and well-being.